
Monday, September 12, 2005

PLDT vs. Local ISP's for VOIP

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PLDT vs. Local ISP’s for VOIP

Look like it’s a good time for consumers as local giant PLDT reduces their IDD Long distance rates due to the growing services of local ISP’s (Mozcom, Infocom, other dialup accounts) specifically VOIP.

What is VOIP? VOIP is Voice Over Internet Protocol. Its just a fancy term for talking over the internet instead of through PLDT’s phone lines. Why do people prefer to talk over the internet? Duh, its free and unlimited!? As long as you got a good speed connection and unlimited access to the internet that is.

So in summary, Local ISP’s (Internet Service Providers, not as big as PLDT who is also offering their own DSL service) have been offering VOIP services at 10 cents per min. for voice calls to other countries, this is for those people who do not own computers but still want to take advantage of the low VOIP fees. PLDT is now counter-attacking the low fee (since the government isn’t helping them either, as gov’t deemed that the ISP’s have the right to offer voip call services to end consumers and not be exclusive to pldt) by offering lower rates for their land line IDD calls. So now it will only cost 10 cents to call the US, down from the previous 40 cents all because of VOIP!

Don’t you just love Technology! I do =) second to….   Of course hehe..

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